Chart of the Zodiac
The Zodiac chart is an astrological birth chart of a snapshot of the sky — documenting where the planets, luminaries (the sun and moon), and other key celestial points and bodies were from your vantage point on Earth at the precise moment when you were born. The position of the planets and luminaries will be depicted in a circle chart, which represents the sky (though some apps or websites present it in a list format). All these different points combine to create an astrological profile that's uniquely you.
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- £299.99
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Product Information
Sizing: As each design has multiple size options, we show the products 'long edge'. So if it's a rectangular shaped sign, it'll be the longest edge will be made to the size shown, keeping the design aspect ratio, it will scale on the shorter edge. The sizes are only reference guides, we can create one of our styles to specific dimensions - just message us to request a custom size.
Colours: You can customise any of the colours on any of our designs. Please message us before ordering though, as your order will automatically enter the production queue if it is not manually amended by our team.
Worldwide Shipping: Contact us and let us know what sign you want to order and where you need it delivered. We'll get a detailed shipping quote from our partner, DHL GoGreen+ Export Services. They handle all of our air freight, so we can provide you with a complete delivery estimate including any duties and taxes.